PINK OR BLUE? Most common questions asked of BabyView regarding gender determination

April 13th, 2015

By far, the most common question I get asked is “how early can you determine gender”? The answer, unfortunately, is not a straightforward one. My number one priority is accuracy. The further along a pregnancy is, the easier it is to determine gender. My policy is: if you are 18 weeks or more and for some reason I am unable to determine gender, then I will bring you back free of charge.
It is often possible and sometimes easy (in small to average moms) to determine gender as early as 16 weeks, and on occasion, I have done it even earlier (depending on the circumstances).However, maternal estrogen levels are high in early pregnancies and if they cross the placental membranes they can cause the genitalia to swell and it can be very difficult to differentiate a scrotal sac from a swollen labia. My approach is an honest one. If I have a mom who is under 18 weeks that presents for gender determination, I will do my best to work with the baby to get an accurate assessment, however, I don’t make guesses. I inform each and every mom that comes into BabyView of the possibility that gender may not be seen in the earlier pregnancies and I leave the choice to them. A good rule of thumb is this- if you can see a baby clearly in a 2D ultrasound (black and white) then you will most likely see it clearly in 3D.
What to expect when you come to BabyView for a gender scan and how long does it take?
As I said before, the most common question I get asked is “how early can you determine gender?”. The second most asked question is “how long does it take?”.
The answer to that question depends solely on the baby and his or her position. Depending on the baby, there are times when I can pop the probe on and there it is, clear as day! Conversely, and more often than not, I have to work to change the baby’s position and that can take some time. That is the reason I do not assign a time to my gender scans. I have been doing this now for decades so I pretty much know what to do to get the baby into the position I want- how quickly they do it, is up to them! Typically it only takes me a few minutes but there are always exceptions and I have had an occasional mom in BabyView for as long as 30 minutes. The bottom line is- I will spend whatever time necessary to make an accurate assessment. Most of the time it will take me 5 minutes or less, but sometimes it can take a lot longer.
What to expect?
Moms and dads (and family too) will be able to watch the ultrasound on a variety of monitors while I am determining the gender. After I have seen the sex multiple times in several different positions, I will announce the gender and point it out on the screen with an arrow. I will show you the baby in 2D and 3D and we will listen to the heartbeat! After that, you can go shopping!
Note to all-
Gender in young babies is always determined in 2D no matter where you go. It is the most accurate way to see the sex. Once it is determined in 2D it may be possible to see in 3D but that is usually possible in older babies only. If it is possible, then I will attempt to show it in 3D but if not, we will look at the baby in 3D anyway.
Just one last point I’d like to make. When you go for your diagnostic scan and you are told they cannot see the gender, it does not mean the gender cannot be determined. It means that the technologist has used his/her allotted time to assess your baby’s health. If you choose to come to BabyView for a gender scan then I will determine the gender- whatever it takes. It is very rare that I am unable to do so, but if that is the case, I will happily bring you back-free of charge (as long as you are 18 weeks or more)!
If you have any further questions, I encourage you to please contact my office and I will be more than happy to speak with you. Thank you for taking the time to read my post!

Is it true that heartburn during pregnancy means my baby has lots of hair?

March 16th, 2015

It is a common belief that pregnant women who experience heartburn are carrying babies with a full head of hair, but is it a fact or an “old wives tale”?

In December 2006, a study was conducted at JohnsHopkinsUniversity; the objective was to dismiss the myth but to their great surprise (and mine) the study actually substantiated it! They found that a direct relationship existed between the severity of heartburn and the amount of hair the fetus was born with. The question then becomes “why?”

Those involved with the study believe it is because of the presence of estrogen and other pregnancy hormones which appear to exhibit a dual role. First, they cause relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter (causing heartburn) and second they are responsible for the modulation of fetal hair growth. Increased heartburn in mom equaled more hair on baby!

Prior to researching this topic, I would have said that heartburn is more likely to be caused by the growth of the uterus and baby pushing the abdominal contents upwards. Perhaps I should eat my words!

Hmm, I wonder if they’ll give me heartburn?!

Article Written by Cheryl Gerelus


Spring Celebrations!!

March 13th, 2015


Book your appointment at BabyView and we will give you 5 invitations to pass along to your friends.

**If 3 of those friends book with us you will receive 50% off any package.

**If ALL 5 friends book with us; Congratulations you’ve WON yourself a free Ultrasound!!

It’s BabyView’s way of saying thank you for your business & referrals.

Contest…$100 OFF 3D or 4D Package

March 3rd, 2015

a Rafflecopter giveaway

7 Things I’m Doing Differently with Baby Number Two

February 3rd, 2015

By: Christine Fadel | Posted: February 2, 2015  Article on What to

First-time moms have no clue what they’re doing. At least I didn’t.

I knew, in theory, the things to do and how they should be done. (Of course, this was all according to my mother, my grandmother, old folklore, my friends with kids, the books, the experts and the random strangers who accosted me in the supermarket to tell me that I was doing it wrong.) But I didn’t truly know what I was doing until I was in the trenches of early motherhood — actually doing it.

This is why my first child was a bit of a science experiment. She fulfilled the trial and error portion of the parenthood program, all the while, preparing me for baby number two. This isn’t to say that there won’t be major adjustments with my second child; nor, does it say that the things that worked with my first won’t work for my second or vice versa. What it does say is that there is a benefit to all the trial and error. You live and learn, if you will.

So, here are the seven things that I’m hoping to do differently with my soon-to-be-born second daughter:

1. I will have a birth plan. My birth did not go very well. I went into labor without any real idea about the kind of experience I wanted to have, and I assumed other people would make the best decisions for me. That outlook backfired. I was pressured into an epidural because I was progressing so quickly — which I was later told caused my labor to slow down and, long story short, ultimately ended with (according to my doctor) a preventable postpartum hemorrhage. I’m aware that so much is out of my control with my daughter’s birth; however, I can at least walk (or roll via wheel chair) into that birth center with a general idea about what I want and, more important, what I don’t want to happen. And, I can make decisions for myself based on what is best for me and my health, as well as the health of the baby.

2. I will prep and freeze as many meals as I can before the baby is born. If I couldn’t make it and eat it with one hand or if my husband couldn’t order it or reheat it, it wasn’t in the cards for my newborn post baby diet. Now that we also have a 3-year-old to feed, my hope is to make at least a few weeks worth of meals to have on hand. Even if it’s nothing but frozen Bolognese sauce or premarinated meats that my husband can throw in the slow cooker before he leaves for work and hearty and healthy hydrating soups that me and my oldest daughter can have for lunch, it’s still better than the endless amount of cheese sticks, drinkable yogurt and the Chinese takeout I survived off of for months.

3. I will get out of the house. Blame the constant nursing, the lack of motivation to shower or get dressed, or the postpartum depression I was suffering from, but I don’t think I left the house for a solid few months after my daughter was born. That is, unless I absolutely was forced to. And while I don’t think my 3-year-old will give me many other options after her sister is born - the playground isn’t going to play itself, Mom! — I now know that two of the best things for mama and baby are fresh air and vitamin D.

4. I will buy less stuff. Registries are fun. Little miniature overalls are quite possibly the most adorable things ever made. What isn’t fun? Realizing that you only used half of those baby “necessities” once or twice, and your baby never wore those adorable overalls because she outgrew them two days after birth. With your second baby, you just know better. Also, your toddler already takes up enough room — why add more to the mix than necessary? Do I really need that huge, bulky plastic infant bathtub? No, no I don’t. Do I need the swing and the bouncer and the huge plastic Exersaucer? No. No, I don’t.

5. I will ask for help. If you’re like me, you feel this need to be ON when you have guests in your home. But let me please assure you that being ON is the opposite of what guests expect from you when you’ve just had a baby. Those sweet relatives and caring friends are not only there to see and hold the new baby, they’re also there to help you get adjusted in your new role. Whether that is to bring you lunch, lend a helping hand to the dishes or pop in a load of the endless laundry that piles up with a newborn, they have very capable and willing hands — all you have to do is ask. I’m not quite sure why I was hesitant to ask people for help: Maybe it was pride or the pressure to be Super Mom from the onset of motherhood. But I would’ve saved myself a lot of stress had I just swallowed that instinct to entertain and let my eager-to-help loved ones be ON for me.

6. I will cut myself some slack. The first few months with a newborn are tricky, whether it’s your first or your fourth. With my first baby, I had a completely delusional idea of what early motherhood looked like, yet I was the opposite of what I pictured: I was grossly sweaty, I had a stranger attached to my breast constantly, I couldn’t stop crying uncontrollably, and contrary to what the media sells us, my body was not ready for a bikini two weeks after giving birth. And as if motherhood isn’t tough enough, I put this extra pressure on myself to be what I pictured as the ideal. Unfortunately, because my reality and behind the scenes looked very little like the highlight reels so many people put out there for all to see, I thought something was wrong with me, which wasn’t the case at all. This time around, I want to keep everything in perspective and remind myself that I deserve grace and patience just like I would give it to anyone else. If early motherhood with one child was tough, I imagine I’ll need all the patience and grace when bringing another baby into the mix.

7. I will live in the moment. What is the one thing you hear consistently from every other mother who has come before you? “Enjoy every moment because it flies by and the next minute, they’re going off to college!” You shrug it off with your first because at that point, you’re simply trying to survive the colic, the reflux, the constant wake ups and the manic growth spurts. You often feel like that (insert any particular stage here) will never, ever end. But it does end. All of a sudden, your colicky newborn is a thriving 3-year-old who has earth shattering tantrums, a toddler who doesn’t need or want as many cuddles as she once did, and who won’t slow down even for a second just to give you a hug. So, yes, I will absolutely live in the moment. I won’t wish a second away, even if they’re difficult and some of the most trying of my life because I am now achingly aware of how much I’ll miss those moments once they are gone.

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Keep Your Comments to Yourself!!

January 22nd, 2015

I asked our Facebook fans what is the worst thing someone has said to you during your pregnancy and I just can’t believe the answers I got. Why do people feel they have the right to say these insensitive things to an already emotional, hormone-raging pregnant woman? I mean 9 months is a long time and there’s a lot of things we just get use to; not sleeping as well, have people stare at us as we waddle around; cravings; morning sickness…but getting used to these comments, that usually come from complete strangers, is a no-can-do. Here is a list that I’ve complied of the top 10 things you should NEVER say to a woman especially a pregnant one!

1. “You’re never gonna be able to get rid of that extra weight!”
2. “You still look 9 months pregnant…Gee thanks!” (After I already had my baby weeks ago)
3. “Wow you’re very large much bigger than the first time.”
4. “Are you SURE it’s only one?”
5. (To a post pregnant woman after I brought my 3 day old into a clinic)
“’re pregnant again!”
6. “You know girls take away the mothers beauty. You must be having a girl.”
7. “You look huge!!”
8. “When is the next one coming?”
9. “You look like you’re having twins”
10. “Wow, you’re so big and round must be due any time now. (I’m only 6 months along)

So the next time you feel the need to provide your unwanted wisdom think twice. She’s probably not interested in listening to your negative comments. Instead tell her how beautiful she looks and that she will be a great mother to her baby.

9 Months in the Womb

January 15th, 2015


January 2nd, 2015

The Durham Region Health Department’s Online Prenatal Classes are available for free to anyone who is interested in more information about pre and post-natal education.

Importance of Prenatal Classes:

- Knowledge can build confidence when you know what to expect during your pregnancy, birth and beyond.

- It encourage a healthier pregnancy, labor and post-partum period

- It provides you with key resources if you need additional support along with consistent and evidence based information provided at classes

Benefits of on-line Prenatal Classes:

- Convenient to expectant parents who cannot commit to in-class workshops due to work or other barriers

- Accessible to anyone day or night as often as needed

- Learning is at your own pace

- Brings awareness to a larger audience

Durham Region has a wide selection of Prenatal classes to fit your needs. Visit:

for more information.

You can always contact DURHAM HEALTH CONNECTION LINE at 905-666-6241 or toll free at 1-800-841-2729 - Monday to Friday between 9am-6pm

FREE Christmas Gift Offer with BabyView in December

December 1st, 2014

Just in time for this holiday season BabyView is giving away a FREE heartbeat animal of your choice with our DVD and CD Package.
Make sure to have your ultrasound performed before December 31, 2014 to take advantage of this FREE offer.
Call us for details at 905-837-1515 or email us at

Superhero Window Cleaners Cheer Up Sick Children at Hospitals across North America

October 27th, 2014

With Halloween just around the corner I wanted to share this heartwarming story with you.

All across North America there are window cleaners; cleaning the grim off of high-rise windows all over the world.  But not all clearners are alike, these guys really know how to put a smile on children who are battling illness’.  Say hello to Batman, Spiderman, Captain America and Superman as they go on a mission for the day and that is to cheer up the patients in Children’s Hospital’s all over North America. These men are true real life hero’s,  hats off to you for an amazing idea and such a genuinely heartwarming job!